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If this is your first time here, please take a few moments to become familiar with the layout of this site. There are many helpful items that are just a click away, and our support is updated almost daily. In addition, we have a few areas that may be of interest to you somewhere down the road. Just know that they are here when you need them.

Did someone say Nerdflix?

Ok, so we know you aren't a nerd and this definitely isn't like having a movie dropped off a
t your house. But, we do know that filmshowing is better than telling. After all, when is the last time you sat back to read a training manual and didn't nod off? We've put together a group of 2 to 5 minute clips that will give you the step by step procedures to help you to get things done efficiently. Get a quick grip on our platform with the Essential Training Library.

Case Status

If you've submitted a bug to Endis Support, you will have received ancasestatus email with the confirmation Case Number. You can check the status of your case at anytime. If you need to submit a bug, you can do so here.

Consulting Opportunities

Ever wonder what the difference is between support and consulting? Just think of a box of crayons. If you open the box and realize that the red crayon is broken or is coloring blue instead of red, this is support. If you look at the box and wonder what the best way is to mix all those beautiful colors to make a pretty picture, this is consulting.

  • Support is FREE for all customers via email (2 day turnaround), forums and our basic video training library for all customers. Telephone support is also included for the first 30 days of any paid package.
  • Professional Services and Consulting is available for all customers as well. 

Collaborate Well

Our user community believes that there are "no dumb questions" and there are "no dumb answers". You can join our discussion at any time to get answers from other citizens of our little planet, as well as lend a hand from time to time.

Need to talk to us?

We are available for online help Monday through Friday from 8am until 5pm C.S.T. If you live on the West Coast, make sure you contact us early bEmail Supportecause we just aren't here after 5pm. And no, we don't feel bad for you. You have an ocean and mountains. Please use the Live Chat button at the top of every page on for your First Five minutes of free support. Need more help?

My status

Phone Support is free for the first 30 days of your service. Additional support is available via our Live Chat link in your web office for free during your first five minutes per incident.

Pay As You Go Support

Does your team need help from time to time making the most of your Endis system? PAYG Support is our best solution to meet your needs, and we only bill for support requests that are not provided by either 1) helps documentation or 2) video documentation. In reality, it's just a convenience fee. Before contacting us for PAYG, we recommend that you review the helps documents as well as the videos on Endis.TV (because its all free!)

PAYG customers are billed at our hourly rate, but enjoy the benefit of only being billed for minutes that you use each month. In addition, this only applies to issues that exceed our easily accessible "Free Five" support policy .... just use our live chat support and, if we can get that answer solved in less than five minutes, then the time is on us and completely free to you.

Got Bugs?

If you have a bug to report, you can email us at anytime. Before you send it to us, make sure it's really a bug.