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My Area

This is the section of the site that contains all you need to get involved.
Choose from one of the following options:

  • My Account
    Secure area allowing you to view and edit your sensitive data including:
    • My Profile
      Change contact details for yourself and your family, and amend your privacy settings.
    • My Payments
      View and manage your Donations, Events Bookings, Subscriptions, etc.
    • My Wallet
      Add payment card details to your wallet and edit existing details to allow quick and easy Donations, Events Bookings, Subscriptions, etc.
  • My Involvement
    Personalize the information you see on the website so that it's specific to your involvement and interests. You can also change your membership of different groups in the organization.
  • My Reminders
    Check when you’re next involved in a "schedule" i.e. making coffee, leading a prayer meeting, visitation, etc.
  • My Documents
    Write an article for publication – whether you’ve just got back from Summer trip, you’ve got a great idea to share, or you just want to publicize an event you’re involved with we want to hear from you!

If you can't find answers here or in the forums, you can always email support and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.